

發(fā)布日期:2022-03-09 09:46




Storage conditions of disposable medical finger covers: low temperature, dry, dark and ventilated. In a cool and dry warehouse (the indoor temperature is below 30 degrees and the relative humidity is below 80%) on the shelf 200mm above the ground. If the finger cover is made of rubber, it should not be stored for too long in summer.

Do not directly contact with strong acid, alkali and other chemicals; Keep away from fire source and contact high temperature; This product is disposable and destroyed after use; This product is valid for 24 months from the date of manufacture.

The medical finger cover is made of medical grade polyvinyl chloride or medical rubber. According to the surface type, it is divided into smooth surface type and pitted surface type. Finger cuff is a kind of protective articles widely used in industry, medical treatment and life.

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